Dear family and friends,
This week we were able to meet twice with two new investigators named Horchidet and Vivienne.
Horchidet is a member referral from a recently activated member, and is progressing well. She recently moved here from Congo Braza-ville and is living with her sister, but has been struggling because she lacks guidance from God in her life. Sharing the background and story of Joseph Smith really struck a cord with Horchidet, and she said that she feels very much like he did as he searched for the true church of Christ. Yesterday, Horchidet came to church, and I think she really enjoyed it! Having Karine there for support is really huge for her, and I know that as she prays to know of the truthfulness of the things we share, she will come to a realization that they are true. Truly, this is the path that God wants for her in her life. What a blessing that we are able to have contact with her.
Please keep Horchidet and Vivienne in your prayers this week!
At the end of this week we have two baptism scheduled. One is for a young girl named Amondine Grither, whose parents are both converts but have been in and out of activity for the past couple of years. Although I have not had a lot of opportunities to teach Amondine, she is under our wing because she is nine years old. She is active and ready to be baptised, so I am not worried about her date, but please keep her in your prayers so that it can all go smoothly and according to plan.
Y'all know about Jennyfer Ntambwe, and she, too, is scheduled to get baptised this week. Her baptism will be such a strength to her family, and she is as ready as anyone I have ever known. Her faith is rock solid, and her testimony of the Book of Mormon is unwavering. She is so devout, and I know that she will do incredible things for the building up of the church in her lifetime. Tonight we are going to have a family home evening with Jennyfer and her family, and we are going to watch the Restoration, eat popcorn, and have Dominoes pizza (which, btw, is WAAAAAAAAAY better in France than it is in America haha). I am so excited for Jennyfer and incredibly grateful for the decision she has made to be baptised. She is one of the greatest friends I have ever had, and she will forever be my sister. I look forward to telling you all about the baptisms next week!!!:)
Thank you so much for your love and support of me serving a mission. There are so many miracles happening around the world as the Lord pushes His work forward, but...the best miracles are happening in Blois.:) I am so grateful and so blessed to be serving the Lord in this capacity.
Remember that you can make a difference, wherever you are. Find someone to help, and always always remember to smile.:)
I love you with all of my heart.
Soeur Laura Lee Judd